SparkleVote is a self-service online voting system that allows participants to vote in either polls and elections entirely by email. To set up a voting event, all you need is the list of email addresses for the people that you wish to vote - it's that easy!
First, tell us when you want to open and close voting. Then, you'll design your voting papers with questions and options to select from.
Next, add your list of voters' email addresses. You can type them in individually, or past a list from Word or Excel to make it faster.
At the correct time, we'll open voting and send your voters a link to their voting papers. Voters can vote up until voting closes.
We'll automatically close voting at the correct time. Simply log into your account, and all the results will be instantly there. It's that easy!
Want to know more about SparkleVote? Click below for a snapshot of all the fantastic features.
Watch how you can easily set up a voting event/election, send out ballot papers and have people vote! You'll also see some of the options available, including how we calculate results!
Whether you're running a vote on a resolution for your local building committee, an election of your sports club's President, or a major international company vote with tens of thousands of members, SparkleVote is perfect for you. Set up your online voting event now! You can launch it completely online today - you're in control.
Launch your poll completely online 24 hours a day, with no human intervention needed.
SparkleVote allows up to 20,000 voters to vote in a voting event. Need more? Contact us!
Allow voters to select one or more options. Create secret ballots, or make results fully transparent!
We check every vote as it is filled in, giving instant feedback to the voter to ensure votes are lodged correctly.
Instantly view pretty charts of results when voting closes, or download a record of all votes as a CSV file for audit purposes.
Mobile? Tablet? Desktop? Set up elections, vote and get results from any device, anywhere.
Pricing depends on how many voters you have in your voting event. We'll automatically select the cheapest package for you that meets your needs. Don't worry - we've kept the packages cheap - such as only $US 8.99 for less than 20 voters! Packages include asking the voters up to three (3) questions. If you need to ask more questions, that's fine - the additional cost is about $US 1 for each extra question. Want to know more? Click "Pricing Guide" on the right.
Want a free trial? Select up to 3 voters and up to 3 questions, and you can test us out!
Copyright Sparklevote Pty Limited 2016 (ABN 63 613 546 704).