Market-leading live voting for meetings, teleconferences and company AGMs (or pre-meeting voting).

Issue invites to voters' personal voting room via email. Post voting questions that pop-up instantly. Close the question and get instant results displayed to all voters. Secret ballots and Shows of Hands. Blockchain-style security. Setup and launch in minutes. Up to 20,000 voters.

Perfect for large organisations with members spread around the world. Email your specific enquiry to today! Or, register your free account below. Free trial available up to three voters.

Launch your online voting event/election in minutes

SparkleVote is a self-service online voting system that allows participants to vote in either polls and elections entirely by email. To set up a voting event, all you need is the list of email addresses for the people that you wish to vote - it's that easy!

We make it easy to run
your voting event online

Start by designing your Voting Papers

First, tell us when you want to open and close voting. Then, you'll design your voting papers with questions and options to select from.

Add Your List of Voters

Next, add your list of voters' email addresses. You can type them in individually, or past a list from Word or Excel to make it faster.

We'll open voting and send out ballots!

At the correct time, we'll open voting and send your voters a link to their voting papers. Voters can vote up until voting closes.

Instant results when voting closes

We'll automatically close voting at the correct time. Simply log into your account, and all the results will be instantly there. It's that easy!


Want to know more about SparkleVote? Click below for a snapshot of all the fantastic features.

  • How will my voting event work?
  • We invite people to vote in your election via email. You tell us when you would like to open and close voting, the list of voters' email addresses, and the questions you want on the ballot.

    At the correct time, we'll open voting and send an email out (branded with your logo/name) to all your voters. Voters vote by clicking on the link. They will then see the ballot papers that you have designed (again, branded with your name and logo). As they vote, we confirm that they have completed the ballot paper correctly. Once they they voted, we confirm receipt of the vote.

    When it's time for voting to close, we shut off the voting. The results are instantly available by logging into your Voting Dashboard.

    Want to see it in action? Watch the video below on this page.
  • Setting up a voting event - the process
  • Setting up your voting event is easy! The easiest way to see how it works is by watching the video below on this page, but here's the basic flow of how it works:

    1. Click Get Started above. Tell us how many voters there are, how many questions you're asking and the country you're in.
    2. We'll provide you a quote (or confirm your free trial if up to three voters and up to three questions).
    3. We'll then ask you some questions to register your account. You'll confirm your email via a link.
    4. You now have an account! Log into your Election Dashboard at
    5. Pick the dates/times that you want voting to open and close.
    6. Tell us the questions to ask. Add the options for each question for voters to choose from.
    7. Add your list of voters.
    8. Pay (if required) - and then your voting event is in countdown to open!
    9. At the correct time, we open voting. Each voter will receive a link to vote and their VoteCode.
    10. Voters vote! If voting is open for more than one week, we'll also send a reminder email if someone hasn't voted.
    11. When it's time to close voting, we close off voting.
    12. Instantly view results from your Election Dashboard, and download an auditable list of votes cast.

    It's that easy!
  • Up to 20,000 voters
  • Currently, the maximum is 20,000 voters for one voting event. If you want to do more, simply let us know by contacting us through the form at the bottom of this page.
  • Low pricing compared to competitors
  • We've made the pricing cheap so that SparkleVote compares favourably with our competitors. In fact, if you check similar voting system prices, you will find that we are much less expensive!

    We quote in major currencies around the world, but the costs are broadly just conversions of our US dollar prices. We charge based on the number of voters as follows:

    0-3 voters - US $0.00 - Free trial!
    4-20 voters - US $8.99
    21-50 voters - US $18.99
    51-100 voters - US $39.99
    101-200 voters - US $69.99
    201-500 voters - US $129.99
    501-1,000 voters - US $249.99
    1,001-5,000 voters - US $499.99
    5,001-2,0000 voters - US $1,299.00

    Each voting event allows up to three (3) polling questions for free. Additional questions are charged at around US $1.00 extra per question irrespective of the number of voters.

    If tax is due in your country, we collect this on top of the amount charged.
  • Multiple types of voting supported
  • For each question that you want voters to answer, we offer a range of voting types for you to choose from. The simplest option requires voters to pick their one most preferred option for the question (e.g. "yes" or "no"). However, SparkleVote also allows you to setup questions where the voters can pick more than one option. You can either require that voters pick exactly X number of options (e.g. "2" or "5" options) from the list, or you can allow voters to select any number of options up to the limit that you specify (e.g. from 0-4 options). Each individual question can be set up differently, so it's very flexible!
  • Voting designed for mobile/tablet
  • Our website and ballot papers automatically display correctly on phones and tables, so it's easy for people to vote no matter what device they use.
  • Reliable and secure
  • We take security and reliability very seriously. Our system is run on one of the world's largest and most reliable services (Amazon Web Servers) with 99.9% uptime with regular backups. We regularly run web vulnerability tests on our web application to ensure that threats are minimised. Our systems run on the Amazon servers located in Sydney, Australia, but are accessable everywhere. Our encryption keys use higher than standard levels of encryption (for the technical people, we use higher than standard bit keys) which literally would take billions of years to break using current technoogy.
  • Audit individual votes
  • Unlike other online election services, when voting closes, you will immediately have access to results.

    Being able to audit individual votes is critical though to ensuring trust in your election. You can download a CSV file with every vote listed in it and place it on your website so that every voter can have confidence that the voting event has occured correctly. This file lists every individual vote, when it was cast, and by who (if it was not a secret ballot).
  • Official declarations of results
  • If you need a formal official declaration document from us, we can manually check the results of your voting event and email/mail an official declaration certificate hand-signed by our Chief Electoral Officer. This service costs USD $99.00. If you would like this, simply lodge a support ticket in our Help Centre. We'll arrange it for you. We may need to call you to get your credit card details and validate your identity.
  • Ballot order randomisation
  • For ballot questions with less than 20 options, we randomly order the options every time the ballot paper is presented. This ensures that one candidate/option being at the top of the ballot paper does not get an unfair advantage from "donkey votes" where people mark the first option.

    If there are more than 20 options, we list them in alphabetical order simply because the large number of options can make it hard for voters to find the option that they are looking for.
  • Secret ballots or totally transparent voting
  • Up to you. When you set up the voting event, you tell us whether you want the voting event to be a "Show of Hands" (not secret) or a "Secret Ballot" (secret).

    Show of Hands - If you select "Show of Hands", you will be able to see exactly how individual electors voted by downloading a file of individual votes from the "Audit Votes" function within your election dashboard. This means that you can exactly reconcile voting results back to the person who voted.

    Secret Ballot - If you select "Secret Ballot", we will mark off voters' names from the list of voters (so you can see who voted and who did not), but you will not ever be able to see how individual voters voted. If you download the list of votes from the "Audit Votes" page in your election dashboard, you will be able to see the individual votes and the times they were cast, but there will not be anything that identifies which voter cast the vote. This is closest to how real-world elections run.
  • When you set up your voting event, you nominate whether the voting will be a secret ballot or whether it will be a "show of hands". If it is a secret ballot, you'll be able to see the full electoral roll of voters and see who has voted, but individual votes will not have a customer identifier on them (it's as though they have been put in a box secretly). For "show of hands" voting, when results are available, each vote will have the email address of the voter listed next to it, making the individual votes completely transparent.
  • Branded voting with your logo and name
  • We aim to make your voting look like it's coming from your organisation. When you set up the voting event, you can upload a banner image which appears on the top of the voting invite emails and reminder emails that go out to your voters. These emails also list the name of your organisation. The ballot papers themselves have the same banner at the top of them, so it all looks very professional under your brand. If you're watching the video, you'll see SparkleVote headers - these are replaced by your own brand if you upload an image file.

    We do note on the invite email that customers can vote by going to "" and entering their "VoteCode" off the email - but we try to keep mention of SparkleVote to a minimum.
  • Live error checking of ballot papers
  • We check all ballot papers as people vote, and guide them with helpful red and green indicators for each question showing whether the question has been completed correctly. The "Submit Vote" button will not appear unless the voter has completed the vote in accordance with the instructions. Like most of the web, we use JavaScript to control this automatic validation. However, our server also checks votes when they come in to ensure that they are valid, so even if voters do not have JavaScript turned on for the browser, we will ensure that the vote is valid before we process it.
  • Free trials to test the system out
  • We would love you to try the system out! You can access a free trial simply by running an voting event with up to three questions, and a maximum of three voters. The system will automatically put you on a free trial. The system will be completely fully-functional, so you can try everything out.
  • Voting email customisation
  • You can change the title of your voting event, which is what goes out on all the ballot papers and the invitation to vote emails.
  • Live tracking of voting during your voting event
  • You can see how many (and who) has voted as the voting event progresses. Simply log into your Election Dashboard at From there, you can see exactly how many people have voted, as well as the full list of voter email addresses. The Dashboard will tell you which of the voters have voted, and which ones haven't. This means that you can easily chase people up offline if needed!
  • Instant results when voting closes
  • When voting is due to close, we'll stop accepting votes and we'll send you an email (as organiser) stating that voting has closed. You can immediately log into your Election Dashboard and see the results. You will be able to see the full voter list, including who voted and who didn't.

    You will see the actual voting results for each question, as well as a graph. From the page, you can also click "Audit Votes" and download a CSV file containing the information of every vote cast - so it's fully auditable.
  • My voting event is important - can you help me set it up?
  • Will you need assistance setting up your voting event? No problem - we're happy to help. Tell us what you'd like us to do, and we'll be happy to help you set up the entire voting event if needed. Lodge a Support Ticket to us at our Help Centre, tell us what you need and we'll get straight back to you.
  • I have a special type of election - can you tailor it?
  • Is there something you need that we don't offer? Do you have a special type of voting? Talk to us! We can often build things quickly if you give us enough notice. We'd love to help you!

    Lodge a Support Ticket to us at our Help Centre, tell us what you need and we'll get straight back to you.

Check out our video
to see how it works >

Watch how you can easily set up a voting event/election, send out ballot papers and have people vote! You'll also see some of the options available, including how we calculate results!

SparkleVote puts you in complete control

Whether you're running a vote on a resolution for your local building committee, an election of your sports club's President, or a major international company vote with tens of thousands of members, SparkleVote is perfect for you. Set up your online voting event now! You can launch it completely online today - you're in control.

Totally online voting events/

Launch your poll completely online 24 hours a day, with no human intervention needed.

Email Thousands of voters/

SparkleVote allows up to 20,000 voters to vote in a voting event. Need more? Contact us!

Multiple voting types/

Allow voters to select one or more options. Create secret ballots, or make results fully transparent!

/Automatic Vote Checking

We check every vote as it is filled in, giving instant feedback to the voter to ensure votes are lodged correctly.

/Instant Auditable Results

Instantly view pretty charts of results when voting closes, or download a record of all votes as a CSV file for audit purposes.

/Any device

Mobile? Tablet? Desktop? Set up elections, vote and get results from any device, anywhere.


Pricing depends on how many voters you have in your voting event. We'll automatically select the cheapest package for you that meets your needs. Don't worry - we've kept the packages cheap - such as only $US 8.99 for less than 20 voters! Packages include asking the voters up to three (3) questions. If you need to ask more questions, that's fine - the additional cost is about $US 1 for each extra question. Want to know more? Click "Pricing Guide" on the right.

Want a free trial? Select up to 3 voters and up to 3 questions, and you can test us out!

Still have some questions?

If you have any further questions about anything related to SparkleVote, try visiting our Help Centre.